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Sanjay Maruti Jadhav and Another v. Amit Tatoba Sawant

1. In this case, orders were reserved on 18.01.2024, leaving it open for the parties to move an appropriate application within two weeks, in case any settlement is arrived at. More than three months have passed; however, no such...

Mohd. Ahsan v. State of Haryana

1. Leave granted.

Prashant Singh and Others v. Meena and Others

1. Application (IA No. 115495/2021) for bringing on record the legal representatives of deceased appellant no. 2 is allowed after condoning the delay, if any. Cause title be amended accordingly.

Rahul Kumar Yadav v. State of Bihar

1. This appeal is preferred by the appellant-Rahul Kumar Yadav assailing the judgments dated 30th April, 2014 and 29th June, 2017 passed by the learned Division Bench of Patna High Court in Criminal Appeal No. 518 of 2013.