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Dolly Rani v. Manish Kumar Chanchal

1. The present transfer petition is filed under Section 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (for short, “CPC”) by the petitioner-wife seeking the following reliefs:

Hansraj v. State of M.P.

1. Leave granted.

Kirpal Singh v. State of Punjab

1. The instant appeal has been preferred on behalf of the appellant for assailing the judgment dated 28th February, 2008 passed by the High Court of Punjab and Haryana at Chandigarh in Criminal Appeal No. 662-DB of 2003, whereby...

State of Madhya Pradesh v. Satish Jain (Dead) by Lrs and Others

1. The Appellant-State of Madhya Pradesh1-Defendant in the Original Suit filed by Satish Jain (Respondent No. 1), since deceased, represented by his legal heirs, is in appeal assailing the correctness of the judgment and order...