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State of Madhya Pradesh v. Satish Jain (Dead) by Lrs and Others

1. The Appellant-State of Madhya Pradesh1-Defendant in the Original Suit filed by Satish Jain (Respondent No. 1), since deceased, represented by his legal heirs, is in appeal assailing the correctness of the judgment and order...

Ramvir @ Saket Singh v. State of Madhya Pradesh

1. The instant appeal is directed against the judgment dated 27th July, 2007 passed by Division Bench of High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Gwalior whereby Criminal Appeal No. 607 of 1998 filed by the appellant was dismissed and the...

Dharambir @ Dharma v. State of Haryana

1. Vide judgment and order dated 3rd May, 1999, learned Sessions Judge, Bhiwani convicted the appellant for the offence punishable under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (hereinafter referred to as ‘IPC’) and by an...

Association of Engineers and Others v. State of Tamil Nadu and Others

1. The present set of appeals challenge the judgment dated 3rd August 2022, passed by the Division Bench of the High Court of Judicature at Madras (‘Madras High Court’ for short), whereby the writ appeals being W.A. Nos. 82 and...

Wg Cdr A.U. Tayyaba (Retd) and Others v. Union of India and Others

1. We have heard Ms Pooja Dhar, counsel appearing on behalf of the appellants and Mr R Balasubramanian, senior counsel appearing on behalf of the respondents.

Amit Siddharth Survase v. Nienke Leida Hulshof and Others

1. The petitioner and the first respondent married in the Netherlands under Dutch Law on 5 July 2013. They have a five year old child who was born on 14 December 2018. The first respondent and the child are citizens of the...