Supreme Court Cases Five Year Subscription
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Selvamani v. State Rep. by the Inspector of Police

1. This appeal challenges the final judgment and order dated 27th August 2019, passed by the learned Single Judge of the High Court of Judicature at Madras1, whereby vide a common judgment, the High Court dismissed Criminal...

Bhumikaben N. Modi and Others v. Life Insurance Corporation of India

1. The appellants herein were the respondents before the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission, New Delhi (for short ‘the NCDRC’). As per the impugned order, the NCDRC allowed revision petition No. 3384 of 2006 filed by...

Sukhpal Singh v. NCT of Delhi

1. The instant appeal is directed against the judgment dated 7th January, 2010 passed by the High Court of Delhi in Criminal Appeal No. 296 of 2003 whereby the appeal filed by the appellant against the judgment and order of...

Shripal and Another v. Karnataka Neravari Nigam Ltd. and Another

1. The appellants herein, who were land losers, have approached this Court by way of these appeals seeking enhancement of compensation pursuant to acquisition of their lands by the respondents for the purpose of construction of...

Indian Medical Association and Another v. Union of India and Others

1. This application has been moved by the respondent No. 5 praying inter alia that judicial notice be taken of the statements made by the President, Indian Medical Association1 Petitioner No. 1 of the offending statements made by...